Growing Basil
(from '20 Everyday Herbs' - see below)
Because basil is indigenous to warm regions, the plant will not survive cold temperatures. The seed should be started indoors in spring or outside when the ground has warmed up. Position basil plants with peppers and tomato plants and they will enhance each other’s growth.
There are a number of different types of basil and you should choose one that is suited to your region. Most basil types will grow successfully in a moderate climate if kept warm in the early stages of growth. It is possible to keep basil going throughout the winter but it will need to be indoors or in a warm greenhouse or conservatory.
One of my favourite suppliers, Thompson and Morgan (UK) have some basil seeds on Amazon. They even do free delivery!
Start seeds off in trays, or pots of seed compost. Make sure the containers are well drained. Keep warm on a windowsill or in a greenhouse and keep the soil damp. Basil plants are normally fairly quick to germinate and you should see most of the plants up within the first couple of weeks of sowing.
Planting out:
When the plants have four or five true leaves (not counting the first two), they are ready to transplant. Pot on in individual pots or containers. When the weather and ground has warmed up, plant some straight out into the garden.
Choose a sunny spot. Basil likes lots of warmth and will thrive with 5 hours or more of sunshine every day. Prepare the soil by digging over and raking to a fine consistency. Remove any weeds and large stones.
Basil is not a heavy feeder and will tolerate a fairly poor soil. The plants stay reasonably small and can be dotted about the garden. The heavy scent helps to repel flies and aphids so one or two plants in all your vegetable beds will help other crops resist bugs and viruses.
Because basil likes to grow in full sun, drying out can be a problem. Make sure you keep the plants well watered – but not waterlogged. The soil should always be well drained.
When the flower heads begin to grow, pinch out the whole branch and the plant will grow more leaves.
Use your basil as much as you like. The more you use it, the more it will grow!
Harvest the whole plant, or bring indoors in its container, before the cold weather. Frost or a very cold spell will finish off a basil plant.
'20 Everyday Herbs' is a must-have if you're planning to grow some herbs this year - and why wouldn't you?! Download from your preferred store here -