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Growing Chamomile

(from 20 Occasional Herbs - see below)

Chamomile often grows around the edge of gardens and can be found in the wild. It re-seeds itself readily but is easily controlled.


It is often left to grow between paving slabs and alongside pathways. When walked on the plant releases a pleasant scent.


Chamomile can grow up to a metre in height but generally it will grow as a shrub around 2-3 feet (60-90cm) high. Hybrid varieties may differ slightly. It makes a good edging plant especially around a lawn or grassed area.


While only the flowers are used in the home, the whole herb is used in commercial beer making. Chamomile tea is widely drunk as a mild sedative and can be bought in most supermarkets or health shops.


Chamomile (Wild or German)

Daisy-like flowers with yellow centres and feathery foliage
Smells like apple when crushed

From Thompson and Morgan (UK)

Although very rare, there are reports of allergic reactions to chamomile. Care should be taken if you are prone to plant allergies.


Small plants are sometimes available at garden suppliers but chamomile is easily propagated from seed which normally germinates fairly quickly.


Choose a sunny well-drained spot in the garden.


Seeds can be scattered over the prepared area and carefully covered with a light layer of soil. Or sow the seed in very shallow drills. Water gently with a spray or rosette attachment on a watering can to avoid disturbing the seed.


Keep the area free of weeds and the soil damp but not waterlogged. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, thin them to about 12 inches (30cm) apart. Again, though, check your seed packet for growing recommendations. Some varieties will need more space.


Medicinal uses for Chamomile

Chamomile has mild sedative properties and has, for many years, been made into a soothing and calming tea.  It aids digestion and alleviates symptoms of the common cold.


Chamomile is used in cosmetic preparations including hair lighteners and shampoos.

It has been found useful for reducing joint inflammation such as arthritis and also easing menstrual cramps.


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