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Growing Coriander

(from '20 Everyday Herbs' - see below)


The seeds are also used in sweet dishes and coriander seed has been traditionally used in breads to aid digestion and improve the taste.


Coriander seed can take a little while to germinate. The seed should be sown in situ as seedlings don’t transplant well.


Prepare the ground by digging over and removing any perennial weeds and large stones. Rake to a fine consistency and sow the seeds 1½ - 2 inches (4cm) apart in drills about  ½ inch (1cm) deep


If you are growing coriander for the seed, you can encourage the plant to run to seed quickly by planting in a sunny position. The plants grown for foliage would appreciate a little shade during the hottest part of the day.


Just Seed Herb - Coriander Green Aroma - Coriandrum sativum - 2000 Seeds. Amazon

When your plants start producing flowers, pick them off to encourage more leaf growth, or leave them to mature and produce seed.

Sow a short line every few weeks to keep a constant fresh supply, starting in early spring. If there is a frost expected, cover with a cloche overnight.


Coriander seed can also be sown by scattering over a prepared bed and gently raked over. Try this if you have plenty of seed to spare, so it won‘t matter too much if the birds get a few or the cat digs them up.
Keep plants weed-free and watered well during very hot periods. When the plants are a couple of inches high they should be thinned to about 8 inches (20cm) of growing space per plant.


Coriander, like many herbs, thrives in containers or pots as long as they are well-drained and kept watered. Keep a pot on the windowsill in the kitchen.


Once established a coriander bed can last for many years. Although an annual plant, it will re-seed itself if the temperature doesn’t drop too low. Left to get on with it, a coriander patch can scatter itself to all parts of the garden, but it’s not an invasive plant like mint. If it’s in the way, pull it up and use it in the kitchen.


Sow a short line of seed in the vegetable plot and look after it for the first year and, with a little luck, it will keep coming back every year.


Coriander is strong smelling and deters aphids and other pests in the garden.

The seeds are easy to collect. Keep some for cooking and some to plant the following spring. If you use your own seed for planting, sow a lot more than you would with a packet of hybrid seeds as germination may be more erratic.


Coriander is fairly hardy and the only thing to watch out for is bolting in the hot sun. For harvesting seeds rather than leaves that won’t be a problem, but if you are growing coriander specifically for the foliage, protect from full sun in the middle of the day.

If your plants seem unhealthy, feed with an organic fertilizer every couple of weeks until they pick up. Avoid adding any other nutrients as this can affect the taste of the herb.


'20 Everyday Herbs' is a must-have if you're planning to grow some herbs this year - and why wouldn't you?! Download from your preferred store here -

Healthy Living Books - Herbs and Healing

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