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Growing Lettuce

(from 'How to Grow Lettuce' -see below)


Lettuce is known to have been cultivated for thousands of years. There are many different varieties of modern lettuce, including the ‘cut-and-come-again’ types. These grow like small leafy bushes and can be cut every couple of days throughout the growing season.

There are also various red tinged and curly leaf varieties that pretty up any meal.

Healthy Reasons

All leafy green vegetables contain quantities of vitamin C and lettuce is no exception. Picking it fresh is even better! Lettuce also contains vitamin A and folate. Cos lettuce tends to have a higher vitamin content than other varieties.
Lettuce also has very mild sedative properties.


I found a few varieties on Amazon (UK) including this five star Butterhead

Butterhead Lettuce Justyna seeds

There are, simply, hundreds of different lettuces you can grow. There are four main types:
-Crisp heart
-Loose leafed

Butterhead types tend to be hardier and more resistant to ‘bolting’ (running to seed)
Loose leafed varieties generally are used on a daily basis and won’t easily run to seed, if leaves are being harvested regularly.

Choose a couple of different types, but check on manufacturer’s growing recommendations on seed packets before you buy. Some will need more attention than others!

Lettuces will grow in a part-shady spot in the garden, but will benefit from some sun.  Plants can also be placed between other vegetables or in a flower bed. If you are growing them in lines, dig over the land and remove any large stones, perennial weeds and any non-organic debris. Rake soil to a fairly fine consistency.


Start lettuce seed off fairly early in the Spring, according to your region. Sow seed in fresh seed or potting compost in well-drained trays or pots. Keep warm and watered until the seedlings are a few inches tall and strong enough to handle.


NB: Lettuce seed usually has a high rate of germination. Sow just a few seeds every two or three weeks throughout the growing season. Otherwise you could land up with 100 lettuces to find space for, and all of them will need eating at once!


How to Grow Lettuce can be downloaded now and will help you grow the best organic lettuces :-) Find your preferred retailer here -

Healthy Living Books - Growing Guides

Happy Gardening!

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