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Growing Tulips

If Holland is famous for anything, it's growing tulips! However, tulips didn't originate in Holland. They came from Turkey, where the climate is much hotter and drier. Over the past couple of centuries, Dutch growers have been ironing out all the glitches, and made growing tulips a national phenomenon.
Wild tulips rarely grow more than 6 inches (15cm) high. The new hybrid varieties, which often grow to a height of 12 inches (30cm) or more can be damaged by wind and should therefore be planted in a sheltered spot.


Bulb varieties are numerous. I love this mixed bulb collection (UK)


Tulip 'Majestic Mix'

*T&M Promise - Guaranteed to flower in the first year from planting
*Magnificent colour on top of slender, sturdy stems
 *Perfect for borders, beds and containers

Growing tulips in your garden:

The soil should be fairly sandy and well-drained. Plant your tulip bulbs in October-December ( double check for your region ) about 6-8 inches (15-20cm) deep. Keep soil moist but never water-logged.


Watch out for slugs in the first month or so after planting.


If you're intending to mix other bedding plants in your tulip bed, these should be planted before planting the tulip bulbs to avoid damage to the bulbs.


Some bedding plants need planting later in the year. To get round this, you can plant the bedding plants in a border. Leave a clear space for the bedding plants when you plant your tulip bulbs.

Many tulip growers stick to growing tulips in their own tulip patch. Mix and match the colours and heights. There are hundreds of varieties.


Growing tulips - After Care:
Getting tulips to grow in your garden is pretty straightforward and as long as the ground has some moisture and is not water-logged ( watch out for this during the winter months ) the tulips should be fine.


If you come across any distorted growth or blackening of the leaves, lift the bulbs and destroy. If you buy your bulbs from a reputable grower you shouldn't have too much trouble with diseased bulbs.


Lift your bulbs when the foliage has died back completely. If you have the time, you can plait the leaves while they are drying to enhance their appearance!


If you don't lift your tulip bulbs, you may still get a good show next year, but many varieties will dwindle over the years. After lifting the bulbs, keep them in a dry place all summer ready for planting again in Autumn next year.


NB: Check on instructions for your particular variety as there are some new hybrids that don't need lifting.


Love the shape of these flowers :-)

Tulip 'Elegant Mix' (UK)

 *Vibrant spring colour for beds, borders and patio pots.
 *T&M Promise - Guaranteed to flower in the first year from planting

Happy Gardening!

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