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Happy Days

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about finding your passion and I've had some more thoughts about this. In the entrepreneur and business world we often hear that you should do what you love and while I've always gone along with that idea, something came up for me recently that kind of shifted my thinking.

I watched the incredible Seth Godin interviewed by the equally incredible Marie Forleo and Seth said something that turned my mind upside down!


He said that instead of doing the work you love, you should love the work you do.

I mean, how many of us really get to do the work we love? But if you turn that on its head and choose to love the work you do, it puts a whole new spin on enjoying life.

So how can we love a job that bores us or offers no chance of promotion or significant wage increase?


It has to start in the mind. Our beautiful, complex and sometimes self-sabotaging minds. Our minds want to keep us safe and will repeat familiar thoughts over and over because change triggers unsafe thoughts. Positive thinking is a classic response but telling yourself to have positive thoughts when you're feeling stressed, worried or fearful is just too far away from the present reality.


There are so many wonderful teachings that can help us through those moments of stress. Energy healing, hypnotherapy and meditation techniques can all help us be more present, and when you feel present in this moment, scary thoughts or frustrations tend to melt away.


One of the best books ever written, in my humble opinion, is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I'll put a link below if you haven't yet read it, I would recommend it as a book that could honestly change your life.


We only have this present moment. The next moment is also the present moment, so when we think thoughts like 'I'll be happy when ......(fill in the blank)' we are confirming that our present moment is unhappy. And we can all probably relate to the fact that it's the journey that counts, not the result or end goal, because when we get to that end goal, we will always want more.


That's the nature of the beast called 'human being'. We have to grow and evolve.

So, getting back to loving the work you do, bring yourself back to the present moment whenever you can and give it your best shot. Doing the best you can in any moment makes you feel so much better and ready for the next moment.


If you are doing a boring job or task, give it your best and if you don't even have to think about the actual task in hand, enjoy the environment. Cleaning the house can give you an incredible sense of achievement, which encourages the mind to find other things to feel good about.


And if the job you are doing requires a lot of focus and concentration, give yourself to the task and create the best possible outcome - not to impress anyone else (although the best work will no doubt get the attention of the boss) but to make yourself feel good.


Even if you are doing a job you love or building your dream business, there are always going to be tasks that aren't particularly enjoyable. Personally I always put off doing my tax return but when I've done it, I feel great! So thank you Seth Godin, the wisdom in those words 'love the work you do' will resonate with me and I hope they will help you make a difference to your daily tasks and enjoy as many moments as you can. After all, life isn't a dress rehearsal and we are supposed to be enjoying it :-)

Have a great day!

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