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Hobby Time!

Did you ever wonder how some people manage to find time for hobbies and pastimes when you are only just fitting in everything you HAVE to do in the space of each 24 hours? The answer is passion.


It's been said many times before, but the phrase ' if you want something badly enough you'll get it' is 110% relevant to our everyday lives.


*Are you passionately committed to keeping a clean and tidy house? Then I would hazard a guess that your house is clean and tidy most of the time.


*Are you passionately committed to your job and promotion prospects? The chances are you are on your way up that ladder right now.


However, the majority of us live our lives according to the passions and sometimes the whims of everyone around us. Why? Because we never stop to think what we actually WANT, what we actually LOVE or what we are passionate about.

Do you really, deep down in your soul, believe that the world will fall apart and no-one will like you if you don't keep your house clean? If so, then take a few tiny baby steps out of that box and remember the dust will be there tomorrow... your friends or your dreams may not. Phew.. Now there's a kick in the teeth.


I often imagine I would like a clean and tidy house fit for a royal visit. But I'm never able to commit myself to the time and energy it requires - Why? Because I'm NOT passionate about housework. Never have been, never will be.


I would rather spend time with my family and friends, chatting on the phone, going for long walks or dancing the night away. And guess what - a member of the royal household has yet to turn up on my doorstep un-announced!


Do you really want a clean and tidy house for YOU or is it just so the neighbours won't say bad things about you when they drop in for coffee? If you are using your precious time to keep on the 'good' side of other people, pause for a moment and remember that those other people are definitely NOT perfect. There will be areas of their lives you will not agree with - guaranteed!

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