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Stimulate your Senses

Gazing through the window on a grey, dreary autumn day doesn't generate a lot of inspiration for a 'get out there and enjoy the summer sunshine' type of article. Neither does the need to get out there in the summer sunshine help very much when trying to create a cosy winter scene for your novel.

The imagination and memory are invaluable tools in seasonal creative writing but without the physical senses being stimulated, any creative writing can take on a hard edge. Mellow out and push even more sensual feeling into your writing by stimulating all your senses and fooling them out of season.



Pin up some simple pictures around your office space:


*Recreate Spring with spring flowers, sunrises, Easter bunny cartoons, children playing, babies giggling - anything that sparks your spring imagination.


*Recreate summer by pinning up some holiday snaps or those awful summer holiday advertisements seen in all the glossies. It will undoubtedly give you a new angle to your summer writing :-)


*Recreate autumn with images of pumpkins, witches and black cats and spectacular trees in the red and gold colours of autumn.


*Recreate winter with pictures of winter sports and snow-ball fights. Try and find a good picture of rain falling under a lamp-post at night. Truly and hypnotically winter!


Simply sorting out your pictures and hanging them will get the creative juices flowing. And your workspace gets a new look every season - out of season.


Draw a seasonal curtain: This works especially well for those who do a lot of writing after dark. Change the curtain at your window to reflect the season you want to create. The change of texture n the material of the curtain gives the whole scene a more three dimensional feel.


When choosing a 'spring' look in the winter, make sure the material is heavy enough to keep out the cold.

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